Safety and security in Macau


What are the health risks in Macau? Is it safe and where are the places with the highest crime rates?

Choose a hotel overlooking Macau

Health risks

Macau gets really hot in the summer and the hotels in particular are extremely air-conditioned. It is recommended to bring a light sweatshirt or sweater if you plan to stay longer in air-conditioned areas.

The level of hygiene in restaurants is of a good standard, and if you follow basic hygiene rules, we don't think you need to get vaccinated.

There are no exotic diseases in Macau.

Health care and possible treatment

Macau is considered a very advanced country with highly developed and superior healthcare.

All tourists must note that any treatment is paid for in cash immediately after visiting the doctor and only deal with the insurance company for reimbursement retrospectively.

Drinking water

Although tap water is officially drinkable, locals boil, filter or buy bottled water. It is generally recommended to drink bottled water instead.

Compulsory vaccinations

No vaccinations are required for Macau; it is a standard developed country with no tropical diseases.

Disaster risks

Typhoon season runs from July to September and Macau has a well-developed early warning system. The risk levels have a scale of 1-10 and at levels 8-10 it is not recommended to go out.

A strong typhoon hits Macau on average once every 3 years.


Macau is a safe country with a low crime rate. However, it is necessary to watch out for pickpockets especially in the crowded tourist spots in the historic centre.

They may also be harassed on the street by prostitutes soliciting clients or people asking for money. They are decently dressed (often in suits) and are con artists.

Serious crime such as murder, kidnapping or rape is rare in Macau.

Important contacts

You should know the following phone numbers when in Macau.

  • Fire department: 999 / 110 / 112
  • Ambulance service: 999 / 110 / 112
  • Police: 999 / 110 / 112

Hong Kong's international telephone code is +853.

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