Austrian Airlines
Austrian Airlines

Everything you need to know before flying with Austrian Airlines

Austrian Airlines contact

Krystof Hajek updated 27. 1. 2024

For questions, requests, compliments or complaints, you can use the following official options.

Telephone (urgent, 24/7)

Urgent enquiries can only be dealt with by telephone on several national lines, where you can speak English or your own language. These national phone lines are usually only open on weekdays between 8:00 and 18:00, see the list on the website:

There is also a worldwide phone line open 24/7 at +43 1 70148 1000. This number is available in English or German.

Social networks

Minor queries are answered on the official social networking sites, especially Facebook. Expect a response within the higher units to tens of hours.

Chat or email

Austrian Airlines has no official email address.

You can use the chatbot at:

Krystof Hajek

Krystof is the editor-in-chief of Cestee. He is also an avid traveller with 574 flights and 73 countries visited.

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