Widerøe offers free check-in at the airport.
Online check-in is also available via web or mobile app.
Check-in at the airport
Check-in at the airport is free and, especially at Norwegian airports, is often fully automated.
At the kiosk, you print out your boarding pass and baggage tag to place on your suitcase after retrieving your passport or entering your reservation number.
You then scan this label at the self-check-in counter and place your luggage on the belt.
Check-in at the airport is usually available 2 hours to 30 minutes before departure for domestic flights. For international flights, check-in closes 45 minutes before departure.
Online check-in
You can check in online 22 hours before departure at wideroe.no/en/check-in-trip or via the mobile app (Google Play / App Store).
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Seat selection (seating)
You can choose a specific seat on the plane for a fee. If you don't want to pay this fee, just skip the seat selection step and you will be assigned a random seat for free.
When travelling with children, you will be seated together even if you are randomly assigned.
Seating fees vary by specific seat and range from 75 nok to 149 nok.